Everything You Need to Know About CBD: Our Ultimate Guidebook

Everything You Need to Know About CBD: Our Ultimate Guidebook

The new health supplement that’s captured the attention of millions, CBD oil is now the subject of endless discussions, debates, and scientific studies. Its popularity is well-placed and well-founded, driven by seemingly countless testimonies by people of every age, gender, and walk of life.

Quickly and quietly, CBD is redefining the cannabis landscape. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

What is CBD?


CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found in the hemp plant. It is part of a family of compounds called cannabinoids. These are naturally occurring chemicals that can be found in a variety of plants, including cloves, pepper, broccoli, carrots, and, of course, cannabis. Your own body even produces cannabinoids!

In the hemp plant, there are approximately 500+ different types of cannabinoids. CBD (and its cousin THC) are the most well-known, prevalent, and well-researched. CBD is found in the flowers and leaves of the hemp plant and is one of the most powerful and beneficial cannabinoids discovered — so far.

CBD is extracted from the hemp plant and, once extracted, CBD can be placed in oils, gummies, powders, and foods.

How Does CBD Impact the Body?


Here’s where we’re going to get a bit sciency on you, so buckle up.

Your body contains a vast network of receptors that are a part of your endocannabinoid system. (If you need help with a visual aid, imagine a diagram of your nervous system.) The endocannabinoid system (ECS) was discovered in the 1990s and is thought to be one of the most vital and comprehensive receptor systems for sustaining good health.

The ECS impacts and influences nearly every single function in your body, from your brain to your immune system, from your hormone production and to your digestive system. It is designed to help your body stay balanced and healthy, even when external factors are throwing you out of sync. This balance is called homeostasis, which means ‘steady’.

So, in other words, your ECS helps to keep your mind, body, and mood steady.

The receptors of the ECS are located all over your body. They can be found in your kidneys, your brain, your intestines, and your skin. These cannabinoid receptors are specifically designed to interact with cannabinoids, of which there are three kinds.

  • Endocannabinoids– The cannabinoids your body makes
  • Phytocannabinoids– Natural plant cannabinoids
  • Synthetic Cannabinoids– Synthetically created in a lab

Through the endocannabinoid system (ECS), cannabinoids like CBD are able to help influence the many natural processes and functions your body undergoes each day. This also means that cannabinoids can help your body deal with health issues, such as pain, inflammation, poor appetite, poor sleep, digestion, mood, and more.

Same Plant, Different Properties — Hemp vs. Marijuana


Hemp and marijuana are actually two versions of the same plant — Cannabis Sativa. But just in the same way that two apple trees are the same plant but can produce wildly different fruits, hemp and marijuana have different properties.

The defining characteristic between hemp and ‘marijuana’ is based on one factor — the chemical properties in the plant. Any Cannabis Sativa plant that contains less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is considered industrial hemp. Any plant that contains over 0.3% THC is considered marijuana.

This difference in the amount of THC really comes down to breeding and cultivation differences. Industrial hemp plants are rich in cannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial plant compounds. These plants are allowed to grow to full size so that they become stocky and fibrous. This makes them perfect for producing hemp-based clothing, paper, rope, building materials, and plastic alternatives.

Marijuana plants were bred to contain higher amounts of THC in order to create the euphoric effect of a high. But, marijuana plants do still contain CBD and other cannabinoids as well.

As we said, same plant, different properties. But it is more important that you recognize their differences go beyond what form of Cannabis Sativa that they come from — CBD and THC are totally different compounds that influence the body in completely different ways.

The Potential Health Benefits of CBD


CBD is currently the subject of hundreds, if not thousands, of ongoing research studies. So far, however, it’s important to note that the FDA has not approved the use of CBD as a medication or as a treatment for any medical conditions (with the exception of the CBD-based prescription Epidolex).

We make no claims about the health benefits of CBD, nor do we claim that CBD will cure any medical conditions or be the magical potion that restores your youth. All human bodies are different and each of us may respond to substances in unique ways. You may or may not experience the possible health benefits listed below.

That said — CBD has been garnering considerable interest for its uses for the following health conditions. There’s a reason that so many have been turning to this plant, cultivated for thousands of years, to support their health.

Inflammation and Pain Relief


Pain relief is the primary reason people use CBD today and its potent anti-inflammatory properties are some of the most well-documented and researched uses of CBD.1 Whether used topically for targeted, localized pain relief or ingested orally for full-body support in easing inflammation and decreasing pain levels, CBD is consistently showing itself as an excellent support for easing pain and inflammation. Common conditions CBD may be helpful for include;

  • Chronic pain
  • Arthritis 2
  • Neuralgia 3
  • Migraines and headaches 4
  • Injury recovery
  • Sore, aching muscles
  • Fibromyalgia 5

Because of its ability to help the body decrease its inflammation load, CBD may help to ease or slow other health issues as well, such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer symptoms, and neuropathy. Further research on these uses is necessary, but ongoing studies show promising results.

Anxiety and Depression


CBD can be used to help people cope with mild anxiety and depression. It helps to balance the hormone serotonin, which is believed to act as a mood stabilizer. Its ability to calm emotions, encourage mental clarity, and promote mind-body balance, makes it especially helpful for anxiety and depression related to stress-overload. 6

Note: Serious anxiety or depression concerns should always be discussed with a licensed physician.

Sleep Issues


Studies are suggesting that CBD may help with both falling asleep, and staying asleep. While further research is necessary, the support for insomnia that these studies demonstrate for CBD use is something many people have known for quite some time. It’s possible that the reason CBD helps with sleep patterns and quality is due to its ability to help calm and balance emotions and ease inflammation or pain that results in restlessness and poor sleep quality. 7

Diabetes & Obesity


Several studies have indicated that regular use of cannabis can result in a lower body mass index and a reduced risk of diabetes. In 2015 an Israeli-American biopharmaceutical collective began stage 2 trials studying the use of CBD to treat diabetes. So far, these studies show promising results for CBD use as a complementary treatment for diabetes and as a supportive dietary supplement to promote a healthy weight. 8

Acne and Skin Irritations


Because CBD is a natural antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, it’s a perfect topical for easing irritated, itchy, and inflamed skin. It helps to nourish and protect skin cells from free radicals and oxidative damage while also working to balance oil production and even out skin tone. It’s been supportive for those who struggle with eczema, psoriasis, and acne. 9

Digestion and Nausea 


CBD oil can help treat symptoms associated with gastrointestinal problems, such as IBS and Crohn’s disease. Its ability to ease inflammation is particularly helpful in reducing intestinal discomfort and promoting normal, regular bowel movements. Ongoing studies are documenting the potential benefits of CBD for Crohn’s disease. 10

CBD may also help to ease nausea, poor appetite, and stomach cramping. This makes it particularly helpful for cancer patients who experience poor appetite, nausea, and vomiting related to common cancer treatments. 11

Studies on the Medical Uses of CBD


Thousands of scientific studies on CBD have been completed. These studies have explored the benefits of CBD for dozens of various health issues. If you want to explore more of these studies, check out Project CBD. It’s a California-based nonprofit organization dedicated to publishing research on the medical uses of CBD.



When it comes to dosing for CBD, things get complicated. There is no official serving size for CBD, and the FDA has not created a Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for CBD.

The right dose of CBD can vary dramatically from person to person. This is influenced by body mass, metabolism, age, genetic makeup, and even your gender. But there are additional factors to consider as well; the potency of the CBD supplement, the method of consumption, and the health goals or issues you’re dealing with.

For example, someone who is taking CBD for general health and wellness will likely need less CBD than someone who is taking CBD to address insomnia or pain. Determining your ideal serving size will likely take some patience and experimentation. Here are some general dosing guidelines to get you started.

CBD Dosing — Getting Started 


  1. Use your body mass as a guideline. Some suggest that a good rule of thumb is 1-3 milligrams of CBD for every 10 pounds. Use this, or the recommended serving size printed on your product as a jumping-off point and adjust as needed.
  2. Start small and increase. If you’re usually very sensitive to drugs and supplements, start with a smaller dose. Increase gradually until you get the results you want.
  3. Chat with your doctor. When in doubt, consult your healthcare provider. This is especially true if you have an existing medical condition or are taking any prescription medications.

Isolate, Full-Spectrum, and Broad-Spectrum


CBD supplements are available in three primary forms — Isolate, Full-Spectrum, and Broad-Spectrum.

CBD Isolate is a purified form of CBD. It is 99.9% CBD. During the CBD isolate extraction process, all the other compounds within the hemp plants, such as terpenes, chlorophyll, other cannabinoids (including any trace amounts of THC) are removed.

Full Spectrum CBD is packed with all of the terpenes, cannabinoids, flavonoids, and fatty acids naturally found in the hemp plant. This includes CBD, of course, but also other beneficial cannabinoids as well, such as CBN, CBDA, and CBG. All of these compounds have a therapeutic value of their own, and help create what is called the ‘Entourage Effect’.

The ‘Entourage Effect’ is a full-body synergistic response to CBD. It is usually characterized by improved mood, relaxation of tense muscles, and a calm, focused mind.

What sets Full Spectrum CBD apart from Broad Spectrum CBD is that it contains trace amounts of THC. These amounts, however, are extremely small — 0.3% or less.

Broad Spectrum CBD contains all the cannabinoids and terpenes found in Full-Spectrum CBD oils but without any THC present. Broad Spectrum CBD is processed to separate all the cannabinoids found in hemp, then selectively reintroduce them back into the CBD oil, excluding THC.

Generally speaking, we recommend choosing the Full Spectrum CBD over the CBD Isolate simply because you’ll enjoy the added therapeutic value of the additional plant compounds.

That’s not to say that CBD Isolate doesn’t offer its own set of benefits, though. For those looking for a purified, concentrated dose of CBD, the isolate form may be the best option. Also, CBD isolate lacks the same intensity of flavor of Full Spectrum and Broad Spectrum oils. This quality can make it a better option for those who really struggle with the flavor of hemp.

Choosing Your Potency:


Struggling to pick out what potency of CBD to try out? Here are some general guidelines we’ve created to help people know which level of CBD is likely to be their best fit.

  • 100mg to 500mg. Choose these potencies for daily health support. They are a perfect range for your average, healthy person under age 40~ who wants to support overall health.
  • 500mg – 1500mg. Choose these mid-range CBD products for extra, focused daily health support. This is perfect for those who have some ongoing health issues they want to overcome, or who are looking for a powerful health supplement as they age. This is also a great range for those who work out regularly and want some extra support for their joints, mobility, and recovery speed.
  • 1500mg – 5000mg.Choose these high potency products for specific, powerful, and maximum health support. These options are excellent for people who are overcoming health concerns or who need extra help in recovering from surgery or illness. This is also a great range for hardcore athletes as they deal with excess wear and tear on their bodies.

Choosing Your CBD Product:


CBD doesn’t just come in a variety of potencies. It also comes in a variety of forms. Here’s a quick breakdown of the types of CBD you can choose from MeCBD.

  • CBD Oils/Tinctures. This is our favorite and most popular form of CBD. CBD oils offer the most diverse range of potency and are the most quickly utilized by your body. Our CBD oils, both full-spectrum and isolate, are made from pure, organic hemp oil — no fillers or added carrier oils.
  • CBD Capsules. CBD capsules are measured for precise, easy dosing. They’re perfect for people who want to take CBD on-the-go or to simply add another pill to their daily supplement line-up.
  • CBD Gummies.CBD Gummies are infused with measured doses of CBD. They’re a tasty treat that is perfect for those who don’t enjoy the taste of CBD oils.
  • CBD Topicals(balms, creams, and lotions). Topical CBD applications can act quickly on localized areas. They’re easy to apply for targeted relief from pain or skin irritations.
  • CBD Infused Skincareand Haircare ProductsThe anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of CBD make it a perfect addition to skincare and haircare products. We stand out from other CBD companies because we are one of the only businesses to have created an effective, comprehensive line of anti-aging moisturizers, serums, cleansers, and hair care products.

Possible Side Effects of CBD


High-quality CBD is remarkably safe, with very few side effects. Most of these side effects are minor and pass quickly. Some of these side effects may include the following:

  • If you’re using CBD to help you fall asleep at night, this is exactly what you’re looking for, but if that isn’t your goal, this sleepiness can be frustrating. CBD-induced drowsiness is usually the result of your body relaxing as stress and anxiety are reduced. We’d suggest backing down on your dose until you’re at a comfortable level.
  • Nausea. Some people find that high doses CBD can give them an upset stomach. We’d suggest combining your CBD dose with food and/or dropping your dose.
  • Dry mouth.This is exactly what it sounds like! It’s easily remedied by drinking water or sucking on a lozenge or hard candy.
  • Diarrhea. This is an infrequent side effect, but it can occur. Usually, it is mild and clears quickly. However, if you have severe diarrhea that doesn’t abate, stop using CBD immediately and have a chat with your doctor.
  • Appetite and weight changes.You may find that CBD stimulates or reduces your appetite. Correspondingly, you may experience weight changes as well.
  • Possible drug interactions. CBD can influence how well your body is able to process some drugs. For context, this is similar to the way grapefruits may not be eaten with certain drugs because the natural compounds in the grapefruit can decrease the efficacy of the drug. Always chat with your pharmacist about whether CBD is safe to take with your prescription medications before trying it.

If you experience any severe side effects, such as severe nausea or stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, immediately stop taking CBD and contact your doctor.

Ieva Kubiliute
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