CBD and Pets: What’s the hype all about?

CBD and Pets: What’s the hype all about?

People with pets have found that CBD products can actually improve their pets’ quality of life. They are more relaxed and have fewer symptoms than if they were given a traditional pharmaceutical product. CBD products from MeCBD are all-natural and easily assimilated by the body. Dogs and cats alike can benefit from the daily use of CBD based supplements and treats.

Relieves Anxiety                                                          


Dogs and cats can experience anxiety just like humans. MeCBD’s Pet CBD Oil Full Spectrum Drops and CBD Pet Treats contain the highest quality CBD components that may help relieve your pet’s anxiety and allow them to relax. Any time your pet begins to experience anxiety or high levels of stress, a small dose of CBD oil can bring them back to center. Loud noises, strange people, unfamiliar environments, and allergic reactions to various household products can increase your pets’ anxiety levels. CBD can be used topically and in supplements to help calm them down.

Pain and Discomfort


Pets who experience joint pain due to age, injury, or arthritis can find relief through the use of MeCBD’s Joint Care CBD Pet Treats. Multivitamin CBD Pet Treats also provide the nutrients your pets need to overcome health issues and increase their strength. The CBD used in our products is all-natural and can provide effective relief when used consistently and according to package directions. Pain has many causes. If you are unsure as to what may be causing your pet’s discomfort schedule an appointment for a consultation with your vet. Once you know what the problem is, you can take the steps you need to correct it.

Control Inflammation


Both the Pet Multivitamin and the Pet CBD Oil Drops can be used to control inflammation in the joints. Inflammation is not only associated with the musculoskeletal system. It can also affect the skin and digestive tract as well. While the CBD Oil Drops will provide support to the digestive tract, MeCBD’s Pet Hair & Skin CBD Conditioning Shampoo can relieve the itching and inflammation that accompanies many different skin conditions.

Deeper Sleep


Regular use of the Pet CBD Oil Drops can actually relax your pet long enough for them to fall into a deep and rejuvenating sleep. Just like with humans, dogs and cats need sufficient amounts of deep, REM sleep in order for their bodies to begin the healing process. Without adequate amounts of sleep, the body does not heal properly. Muscles and bones do not get the time and nutrients they need to rejuvenate. When fatigue begins to set in, anxiety and frustration begin to rise. Regular use of CBD oil drops may help your pet get the sleep they need and alleviate their stress and anxiety.

Increases Appetite


Pet CBD Oil Drops and the Multivitamin CBD Pet Treats offered by MeCBD provide adequate amounts of nutrition that improve your pet’s health on all levels. This includes improving their digestion making it easier for them to gain the nutrition they need from the foods they eat. All-natural CBD components can increase your pet’s appetite and help them to gain extra weight. Pets who have difficulty maintaining a healthy weight can benefit from incorporating CBD Pet Treats into their diet, especially if they are recovering from an illness or an accident.

MeCBD offers a full line of Pet CBD products that will help your pet have a higher quality of life. Products are made from all-natural ingredients and offer the highest quality, organically-grown CBD components. Your pet is a member of your family. You need to provide them with what they need to thrive. MeCBD offers everything you need to promote good health and well-being on almost every level.

Charlotte Cremers

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